"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Friday, March 14, 2014

Week of March 17--21

Hey Gang!  We're in the home stretch for the President Research Paper!  The papers are due Friday, March 21 ... No ifs, ands, or rear-ends! You will submit the paper, the note cards you used in the paper in order, and a fresh copy of the outline in a manila envelope on Friday.  More details to come in class.  This week we have Purim Celebration on Monday and four days of Progressive Work ahead of us before we begin March Madness - 20th Century President Style!

Day 1 -- Purim Celebration

Day 2 
In Class:  The Progressive Era 1900-1920 -- We look at why the Progressive Era took place, research our topics of the Progressive Era, and then timeline these events for clarity...
HW:  President Research Paper due Friday, March 21 -- Make sure you have your note cards, outline, and paper in order!
Notes:  None...

Day 3 
In Class: The Progressive Era Continued...
HW:  President Research Paper due Friday, March 21 -- Make sure you have your note cards, outline, and paper in order!
Notes:  None...

The Progressive Era & The Model T!

Day 4
In Class:  President Research Paper due!!!! --- Introduce the 2014 March Madness Assignment!  Get Excited!!!
HW:  President Research Paper due Friday, March 21 -- Make sure you have your note cards, outline, and paper in order!
Notes:  None...

20th Century March Madness!

20th Century President March Madness Template
***If you choose to e-mail me an audio recording, please begin your audio recording by stating the following:  Your Name, President Name, then state your argument of whether or not the President should advance to the next round..***

*The four templates/audio recordings (if you choose to do them) will be worth TWO QUIZ GRADES and are due Monday, March 31.  They will be graded based on detail, argument, and completion...We will begin our March Madness debates on Monday, March 31...*