"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week of February 3--7

Hey Snowbirds!  Holy Cow was last week a debacle!  Here's what we are going to do to "salvage" our lost time from last week...Below is a Video Podcast I would like y'all to watch at some point before Friday.  The information on the Video Podcast is "fair game" for our test this coming Friday, Feb. 7.  The test will cover the 1850s:  The Road to Civil War, content covered in class on the Civil War this week, and the contents in the Video Podcasts with the exception of Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant. I have also posted a Current Event assignment that is due Friday, Feb. 7 on the State of the Union Address by President Obama.  

In terms of our Research Paper, here is how things will go!  The 20 Note Cards are due Monday, Feb. 3 by the end of the school day.  If you do not submit your 20 Note Cards by the end of the day Feb. 3, I will dock you one letter grade.  I am looking for content, content, and content!!!  I am especially looking to see that you took my guided advice and researched more information that I suggested after looking at your note cards from last time.  

Day 1
In Class:  NOTE CARDS NOTE CARDS NOTE CARDS....Today, we're working on NOTE CARDS!
HW:  State of the Union Current Event Assignment due Friday, Feb. 7
Notes:  Test on 1850s, Road to Civil War, and the contents of the Video Podcast with the exception of the Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant Information...I just thought y'all might like that info! 


Day 2
In Class:  The nation in 1860-1861 -- How the Union thought they would win the war, how the Confederacy thought they would win the war, Shots at Fort Sumter, Battle of Bull Run, Introduce Technology of the war --- Technology of the Civil War, Morse Code, Railroads, the Camera, Medical Technology or lack thereof!, and the Weaponry...Who was the average soldier?  What did the soldiers do during the war when they were not fighting?  What is Hardtack?  The nation enters 1862...
HW:  State of the Union Current Event Assignment due Friday, Feb. 7
Notes:  Check the Live Study Guide for the Test Materials for the test on Feb. 19/20 -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/16tDF82bG6T1eZr-TpYSANU2reOgqvY6U73fg1S9X3pA/edit

Day 3
In Class:  Technology of the Civil War, Morse Code, Railroads, the Camera, Medical Technology or lack thereof!, and the Weaponry...Who was the average soldier?  What did the soldiers do during the war when they were not fighting?  What is Hardtack?  The nation enters 1862...1862:  The Year of BLOOD!  -- Shiloh, Ironclads, Antietam, Emancipation Proclamation, African-Americans in the Civil War...
HW:  State of the Union Current Event Assignment due Friday, Feb. 7
Notes:  Check the Live Study Guide for the Test Materials for the test on Feb. 19/20 -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/16tDF82bG6T1eZr-TpYSANU2reOgqvY6U73fg1S9X3pA/edit

Watch the following from this film --- 0-11:30 and 17:00--32:00  both about Technology in the War...
Day 4
In Class:  State of the Union Current Event Due! -- 1863 and 1864 -- Emancipation, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Sherman heads from Virginia to Tennessee with the goal of reaching Atlanta and Savannah by Christmas 1864...
HW:  State of the Union Current Event Assignment due Friday, Feb. 7
Notes:  Check the Live Study Guide for the Test Materials for the test on Feb. 19/20 -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/16tDF82bG6T1eZr-TpYSANU2reOgqvY6U73fg1S9X3pA/edit