"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week of January 13--16

Hey Baby Birds!...It's RESEARCH PAPER WEEK!!! Huzzah!  I will introduce the President Research Paper assignment.  We will learn how to do the research, create the outline (MLA Format of course), cite our sources MLA format, create the argument, and write the paper.  All the information regarding the paper is on the blog and uploaded as President Research Paper.  We will spend every day this week doing research...Yes... 

Mr. Williamson and I have provided over 50 books for you to use.  You MAY NOT take these books home.  You may use one internet source BUT, it must be one of the two provided: www.millercenter.org  or www.history.com 

If you need help citing your sources:  www.easybib.com or www.roanestate.edu/owl/MLA-Format4Websites.htm 

Day 1
In Class:  James K. Polk Presidential Project Due!!!   Turn in the Chapter 21 Road to Civil War assignment from Friday's class!-- Introduce President Research Paper and begin the research!  J. K. Polk, J. Buchanan, A. Johnson, T. Roosevelt, W. Wilson, H. Hoover, H. S. Truman, J. F. Kennedy, L. B. Johnson, J. Carter, R. Reagan are the choices.  President Research Paper Click Me!
HW:  Zachary Taylor Presidential Project due Friday, Jan. 17!
Notes:  Millard Fillmore and Franklin Pierce Due Jan. 24 ----  20 Note Cards due January 31.

Day 2
In Class:  Research for the President Research Paper!
HW:  Zachary Taylor Presidential Project due Friday, Jan. 17!
Notes:  Millard Fillmore and Franklin Pierce Due Jan. 24 ----  20 Note Cards due January 31.

Day 3
In Class:  Research for the President Research Paper!
HW:  Zachary Taylor Presidential Project due Friday, Jan. 17!
Notes:  Millard Fillmore and Franklin Pierce Due Jan. 24 ----  20 Note Cards due January 31.

Day 4
In Class:  Research for the President Research Paper!
HW:  Zachary Taylor Presidential Project due Friday, Jan. 17!
Notes:  Millard Fillmore and Franklin Pierce Due Jan. 24 ----  20 Note Cards due January 31.