"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Week of Aug. 26-30, 2k24

Colonies Quiz on Monday, Aug. 26!


 Colonial & American Slavery Unit

  1. What is slavery? (Define it and explain what it means)
  2. What European nation introduced “race-based” slavery in the 1400s? Why/how did they do this?
  3. Why were Africans specifically chosen to be slaves? What did some Africans do to help Europeans with the slave trade?
  4. What is mercantilism?
  5. What was the name of the route slaves endured from Africa to the West Indies/North America? Explain this in significant detail. How did those aboard the ship dehumanize the Africans aboard the ship?
  6. Approximately how long did it take for ships to sail from Africa to North America?
  7. What was the difference between a “loose” and “tight” packer? What were the benefits of both methods? Which method do you think was more effective/profitable?
  8. Approximately how many Africans were torn from their homelands and sold into slavery? Why don’t we know the exact number? Where did most slaves end up in the Americas?
  9. The first Africans were brought to which colony?
  10. Why do you think slaves revolted? How do you think they revolted? Why do you think revolts would/would not be successful?
  11. What were some of the jobs of slaves (what did they do) in the American colonies? What types of jobs are these? Do they have anything in common with each other?
  12. Opinion: What do you think was the hardest thing Africans struggled with?
  13. Who was Nat Turner, and how did he change the history of American slavery?
  14. What impact/effects do you think slavery had on America until it was outlawed in 1865? (opinionated)
  15. What was the most important crop grown in the colonies/West Indies that demanded the most slave labor? Why was this the case?
  16. (opinionated) What do you think were the biggest contributions & impact of slave labor in the colonies & United States?
  17. How did all of the colonies/nations benefit from slave labor? (Gotta think…Not easy)