"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Week of 19-23,2k24

Click the above link for the Unit Doc

Unit Q’s -- These need to be answered in your notebook for a HW & Quiz grade. You may not type your answers.  Sorry!   You do not need to write the Q’s nor answer in complete sentences.  If I cannot understand your answer, it is wrong and you will be docked points.  This will be graded in 5 point increments based on accuracy & detail. 
  1. Remember the Columbian Exchange?  What do you think was the biggest impact of Christopher Columbus' voyages (we learned this last year!)
  2. Why is land the greatest resource then & now and how is it important, even to everyday people?
  3. Check out the two maps of the Native American tribe locations.  Notice how the map does not have physical borders.  Why do you think this was the case?  Do you think physical identifiable borders were important at the time & do you personally think they are important?
  4. What is a colony? … Not in the doc….Don’t google the definition!  Try to define it as you think.
  5. Provide two reasons why a nation would want to set up colonies  (opinion!!!)
  6. Which colony was the "lost" colony and what happened to it?  How do you think Europe responded to hearing the news of this?  
  7. What were some difficulties the Jamestown colonists faced in their first few years?  What do you think was the hardest thing for the colonists?  What do you think was one thing that was easy for those first colonists?
  8. English settlers drew pictures of the Native Americans to bring back to Europe.  Do you think this an accurate illustration of what the Natives looked like? (Page 9)  Why were the Natives illustrated as this? 
  9. Who was Peter Stuyvesant and what colony was he the leader of?
  10. Who were the settlers of the Plymouth & Massachusetts Bay colonies & what was their purpose for moving to the colonies?
  11. Provide two pros and two cons of European colonization from the POV of Europe.  (kinda an opinion)
  12. What might be 2 pros & cons of European colonization from the indigenous people’s POV? (kinda an opinion)
  13. In three columns, list the New England colonies, the Middle colonies & the Southern colonies.
  14. What group of people were brought to Jamestown, VA in 1619?  Why were they brought to Jamestown?  How do you think their presence changed the colony?  
  15. What does the 1662 colonial law state about slaves in Jamestown/Virginia?
  16. What was the main reason for settling the Southern Colonies?
  17. In three columns, provide at least three ways the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies made money?  Which group of colonies do you think was the most urban and the most rural?
  18. Who were the settlers of the Georgia colony?

The following Q’s are inference-based questions.  You have to answer these Q’s the best you can based on what you have read in the Doc.  The answers are not in the doc.  Take an educated guess!
  1. Did more people live in cities or on farms? (You have to guess this one)  Why do you think this?
  2. How do you think knowledge & news spread throughout the colonies?  (You have to guess this one)
  3. What do you think was the most important part of colonial life? (aside from surviving..You have to guess this one)
  4. Do you think most colonists were formally educated? Why/Why not? (opinionated)
  5. The colonies grew tremendously from 1607—1750s from 50,000 to just over one million. What impact do you think this had on the colonies/colonists? Provide two examples.