"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Friday, February 9, 2024

Week of Feb. 12 - 15, 2k24

Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield & Arthur Pres. Projects due Feb. 23 

Recon$truction the nation in a "different" way thi$ week. The Gilded Age!

Gilded Age Unit Q’s – Answer these bad boys in your note!

  1. How did the United State$ need to rebuild after the Civil War?

  2. What doe$ gilded mean?

  3. What i$ a monopoly?

  4. What i$ a trust?

  5. How did companie$ take over America after the Civil War?

  6. What i$ vertical & horizontal integration?

  7. How are companie$ like Amazon & Apple not monopolie$, but pretty darn clo$e?!

  8. What were the industrie$ of Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan & Ford

  9. How did the John$town Flood change Carnegie'$ life?

  10. How did Rockefeller change hi$ public image?

  11. How did the Chicago Fire of 1871 change the way modern citie$ were built?

  12. What were $ome of the pro$ and con$ of immigration & how did/do immigrant$ contribute to $ociety?

  13. What were two pro$ and con$ of urbanization in the late 19th century?

  14. What were $ome new invention$ in the late 19th century?  How did the invention$ of the late 19th century make America a "modern" nation?

  15. How do we $till live in a "gilded" age?