"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Thursday, February 1, 2024

This week in 8th grade social studies!

The Civil War comes to an end! Time to "Reconstruct" the nation!

Civil War Test - Day 2
  1. What was the deadliest weapon of the Civil War?
  2. Who was the average Civil War soldier?
  3. What was the bloodiest day of the war?
  4. What was the bloodiest battle of the war?
  5. Who were the most important generals of the: Confederacy & Union?
  6. What is “total war” and who implemented this?
  7. What was the phrase from the Gettysburg Address and how did it change the reason for fighting the war?
  8. What were four advantages for the Union entering the war?
  9. What were two disadvantages for the Union entering the war?
  10. What were two advantages of the Confederacy entering the war?
  11. What were the four border states & which one was the most important and why was this?
  12. Did the Emancipation Proclamation free all the slaves in America?  
  13. The Civil War experienced some of the most horrific fighting in all of history to that time.  What were some questions that needed to be answered about death in the Civil War?
  14. What happened at Vicksburg, MS in 1863?
  15. What did Lincoln mean in his second inaugural address when he said “with malice toward none, with charity for all?”
  16. What was Andersonville?
  17. Who was Matthew Brady and how did he change the way the nation saw the war?
  18. What is an ironclad?
  19. What was John Wilkes Booth’s plan and did it succeed?

Due Day 3 (Wed/Thurs)