Day 1
In Class: I am not in class today as you clearly can see. Y'all got some work to do! Click on the link here: Washington - Jefferson Doc and read about President Washington. Answer the following questions in your notes and be ready to discuss on Day 3 this week after our Constitution Test.
- How difficult do you think it was for G Dubbs to be the first president?
- What made Washington such a great president?
- What were some struggles Washington faced as president?
- Why do you think it was important for Washington to personally put down the Whiskey Rebellion? Did he use too much force/power?
- Was it a good decision to remain neutral in 1793 between France and Britain? Why/Why not?
- What were two things Washington mentioned in his Farewell Address to the nation?
- How do you think the development of political parties split the nation?
- Do you think Washington did a good job as president? Explain your answer...
When you finished answering the questions, watch these two short flicks...
George Washington: The Nation's First President and the New Republic...What problems did Washington face as the first president? What issues were important in the first years of the new republic? How did he "get things done" Washington - Jefferson Doc
HW: None -- Constitution Test Day 2 this week!
Day 2
In Class: Constitution Test!
HW: None
Day 3
In Class: Continue discussing Washington's presidency -- Whiskey Rebellion, touring the young nation, creating a Cabinet, problems Washington faced as the first president, Proclamation of Neutrality -- Washington - Jefferson Doc
HW: None
The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents: Washington -- Monroe
Day 4
In Class: Finish Washington -- Introduce John Adams -- Problems with France and struggles at home for Mr. Adams... Washington - Jefferson Doc
HW: None