"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Week 2: Aug. 19-23, 2k19

Day 1
In Class:  Work on National Parks Project -- If finished, please begin reading the following doc on European Colonization and answer the Q's.  The Q's will be a HW grade due Friday when you arrive to class.

History Channel:  13 Colonies

Image result for 13 colonies
Colonization Q's - Due Friday for a HW grade
  1. What was the biggest impact of Christopher Columbus' voyages (we learned this last year!)
  2. What is a colony?
  3. Provide two reasons why a nation would want to set up colonies
  4. Which colony was the "lost" colony and what happened to it?
  5. What difficulties did the Jamestown colonist face in their first few years?
  6. Who was Peter Stuyvesant and what colony was he the leader of?
  7. Who were the settlers of the Plymouth & Massachusetts Bay colonies?
  8. Provide two pros and cons of European colonization
  9. List the New England Colonies.
  10. List the Middle Colonies.
  11. List the Southern Colonies.
  12. What was the main reason for settling the Rhode Island & Connecticut colonies?
  13. What was the main reason for settling the Middle Colonies?
  14. How was the settlement of Pennsylvania and their treatment of the natives different than other colonies?
  15. What group of people were brought to Jamestown, VA in 1619?
  16. What was the main reason for settling the Southern Colonies?
  17. How did the New England colonies make money?
  18. How did the Middle colonies make money?
  19. Who were the settlers of the Georgia colony?
  20. How did the Southern colonies make money?
  21. Which region do you think would be the hardest place to live and why?
  22. Did more people live in cities or on farms? 
  23. How do you think knowledge & news spread throughout the colonies? 
  24. What do you think was the most important part of colonial life? (aside from surviving)
  25. Do you think most colonists were formally educated? Why/Why not?
  26. The colonies grew tremendously from 1607—1750s from 50,000 to just over one million. What impact do you think this had on the colonies/colonists? Provide two examples.
HW:  Colonization Q's due Monday - Aug. 23 when you arrive to class on Monday

Day 2
In Class:  Introduce European Colonization -- We are reading the following doc on European Colonization and answer the Q's.  The Q's must be handwritten answers.  The Q's will be a HW grade due Friday when you arrive to class.
HW:  Colonization Q's due Monday - Aug. 23 when you arrive to class on Monday

Day 3
In Class: We are reading the following doc on European Colonization and answer the Q's.  The Q's must be handwritten answers.  The Q's will be a HW grade due Friday when you arrive to class.
HW:  Colonization Q's due Monday - Aug. 23 when you arrive to class on Monday

Day 4
In Class:  Turn in National Parks project! -- IF we are all finished with the Colonization Q's, we'll start to go over them....
HW: None!  Shabbat Shalom!