"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week 11: Oct. 22-26, 2K18

Hey #Davis8, we've survived the Constitution Unit and are moving into American history once again!

Day 1
In Class:  Social discussion about the Constitution -- Taxes -- Social Reforms/Welfare -- Same-Sex and Gender issues...
HW:  Study for Constitution Test tomorrow!

Day 2
In Class:  Constitution Test!
HW:  None!

Day 3
In Class: Welcome to the first years of the Republic!  Washington's years! -- Washington's Cabinet -- Whiskey Rebellion -- Proclaiming Neutrality
  1. How difficult do you think it was for G Dubbs to be the first president?
  2. What made Washington such a great president?
  3. What were some struggles Washington faced as president?
  4. Why do you think it was important for Washington to personally put down the Whiskey Rebellion? Did he use too much force/power?  
  5. Was it a good decision to remain neutral in 1793 between France and Britain?  Why/Why not?
  6. Do you think G Dubbs was a good president? Why/Why not?
  7. What do you think the effects were after the formation of the first political parties and what is the largest stance that separated them?

  1. Why do you think Adams had a tough time as president?
  2. What happened between the United States & France during his presidency?
  3. How did Adams respond to the problem between France & the US after the XYZ Affair?
  4. What is impressment?
HW:  None!

Day 4
In Class:  John Adams and how to do a presidential project if finished with Adams' stuff...
  1. Why do you think Adams had a tough time as president?
  2. What happened between the United States & France during his presidency?
  3. How did Adams respond to the problem between France & the US after the XYZ Affair?
  4. What is impressment?
HW:  George Washington and John Adams Presidential Projects due Oct. 29.