"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Week of November 10-14

Hey Gang!  Short week ahead!  We have Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday this week, so we'll only meet for three days on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  This week we'll dive into the John Adams and Thomas Jefferson presidencies and have time to work on Presidential Projects.  

Day 1
In Class: Marist Day Programming -- No Classes

Day 2
In Class: Finish the John Adams presidency - XYZ Affair, Alien and Sedition Acts, and The Ultimate Guide to the Presidents DVD...Why it was so hard for Adams to follow George Washington!
HW:  Watch the following video podcast about Thomas Jefferson and be ready to discuss the Louisiana Purchase, Marbury v. Madison, Chesapeake Affair, and the Embargo Act


Day 3
In Class:  Thomas Jefferson's presidency -- Chesapeake Affair and Embargo Act...Be ready for Monday's Expedition...
HW:  None...

Day 4 and 5:  Parent-Teacher Conferences :)