"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Short Week of Nov. 19-21

The Pilgrims landed in Plymouth around this time some 400 years ago, no?  Well baby birds, it is the week of Thanksgiving.  We have a short week and here are the details of it!

Constitution Test Dates Changed to December 5/6 (Day 3 of the week)

Day 1
In Class:  Geography Bee preliminary test ....Article IV, V, and VI hopefully....I highly suggest you listen to the audio podcasts on Government :)
HW:  None
Notes:  Constitution Test on December 5/6 -- All VII Articles & XXVII Amendments!

Day 2
In Class:  Finish the Articles of the Constitution and DIVE on in to the Bill of Rights!  Huzzah to our personal freedoms and liberties, no?
HW:  None
Notes:  Constitution Test on December 5/6 -- All VII Articles & XXVII Amendments!