"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week of Sept. 10--14, 2012

Week four Baby Birds!  We're in the American Revolution unit!  The Second Continental Congress date is set, you have your in-class essay assignment details, your delegate information, and should be gearing up for quite the discussions of the Revolution.  Enjoy!

Day 1:  The Stamp Act of 1765, History Channel's:  The Revolution, No Taxation Without Representation! by James Otis, Stamp Act's repeal in 1766...Who the heck is Ben Franklin? --> Townshend Acts! --> Violence in Boston? I sense a MASSACRE!!!
HW:  Please watch the videos embedded below, this will help make sense of the Revolution!  Start researching your Second Continental Congress delegate!
Notes:  Second Continental Congress - Thursday, September 27.  American Revolution in-class essay on Oct. 3/4 (whichever day I see you first that week)
"Colonial Resistance:  Huzzah!"

"Boston Massacre!"

Day 2:  The Boston Massacre leads to the GRANDEST political cartoon at the time!  Why is Sam Adams the Moses of the Revolution?  Response to the Massacre --> MORE TAXES!  Why are the British taxing the colonists?  How are the colonists' responding?  WHY are they responding like this?...Boston T-Partea & A T-Partea in 1773!  Intolerable Acts ...Moving towards "in"dependence? Huzzah!  John Adams DVD

HW:  Please watch the videos embedded on the blog, this will help make sense of the Revolution!  Start researching your Second Continental Congress delegate!
Notes:  Second Continental Congress - Thursday, September 27.  American Revolution in-class essay on Oct. 3/4 (whichever day I see you first that week)

Day 3: The Intolerable Acts...A FIRST Continental Congress, the Shot Heard Round the World!  Battles of Lexington & Concord....We are rebelling against Great Britain!
HW:  Please watch the videos embedded on the blog, this will help make sense of the Revolution!  Start researching your Second Continental Congress delegate!
Notes:  Second Continental Congress - Thursday, September 27.  American Revolution in-class essay on Oct. 3/4 (whichever day I see you first that week)

Day 4:  Working on the contributing factors that led to the Second Continental Congress meeting and the writing of the Declaration of Independence...

HW:  Please watch the videos embedded on the blog, this will help make sense of the Revolution!  Start researching your Second Continental Congress delegate!
Notes:  Second Continental Congress - Thursday, September 27.  American Revolution in-class essay on Oct. 3/4 (whichever day I see you first that week)