"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Friday, September 13, 2024

Week of Sept. 16-20,2k24

Huzzah! The American Revolution continues!

Unit Q's...
  1. How did the Stamp Act anger the colonists?
  2. Who were the Sons of Liberty?
  3. How did the colonists respond to the Stamp Act?
  4. How did Sam Adams relate the lives of the American colonists to the Israelites in the time of Moses?
  5. What were the new Townshend Acts of 1767?
  6. Was the Boston Massacre really a massacre?...Why/why not...
  7. The 1773 Tea Act led to the Boston Tea Party, but how and why did this event happen?
  8. In response to the Boston Tea Party, what did the British Parliament do & do you think their actions were justified?
  9. What was the initial purpose of the First Continental Congress?
  10. How did the Battles at Lexington & Concord change the relationship between Great Britain and the American colonies?
  11. What was the initial purpose of the Second Continental Congress...