"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Week of March 18-22, 2k24

  1. Who was Ida Tarbell and what is a muckraker?
  2. What did the progressives focus on from 1900-1920. Put this into your own words.
  3. What did Carnegie and Rockefeller argue to the public about their corporations? Do you agree with them? Is business truly about “survival of the fittest?”
  4. What was Rockefeller’s argument in the italicized quote on page four.
  5. What group of people were the first to push for reforms and why?
  6. What did the new Populist Party argue they wanted?
  7. How did Rockefeller and Carnegie rehabilitate their images during the Progressive Era?
  8. Who were the Progressive Presidents?
  9. What did Jacob Riis do in 1890? How do you think this led to changes in the cities?
  10. What book did Upton Sinclair publish and what industry did he expose in this book? What were some results of Sinclair’s book? Do you think other big businesses saw this story and made changes to the way they managed their companies?
  11. In the early 1900s, how many children worked in mines or factories? Why did children work in mines & factories?
  12. By 1900, what percent of all labor in the United States were children under 16 years old? What was the name of the law that modified child labor?
  13. How did the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire shock the nation and what were some new reforms that came out of this horrible incident?
  14. What is conservation and what law did TR sign into law in 1906? What did the law do? Why is conservation an important reform for both back then and today?
  15. What is the NAACP and what were their goals?
  16. What amendments were added to the Constitution during the Progressive Era?
  17. How are our lives affected/impacted by the Progressive Era? Provide three examples!

How the Other Half Lives...

The Jungle...

The Photos That Ended Child Labor...

The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire...

TR and The Environmentalists!

