"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

HW Assignment due Tuesday, January 16, 2024 by 7:00 pm
I know we are not at school today.  I am asking that you do the following assignment for tomorrow.  It is an easy reading & HW grade & it will prepare us for discussion tomorrow.
Please read the following Google Doc:  Industry 1830ish-1850ish -- There are two short flicks in the Google Doc – Cyrus McCormick Reaper Flick & Morse Code Flick.
Please answer the following Q & email me the assignment:
After reading about the inventions of the steel-tipped plow, the reaper, the railroad, the sewing machine & Morse Code, which invention do you think had a bigger impact on the nation & how do we live in a world that has benefitted from the Mini-Industrial Revolution in America?  Please explain your answer in one to two paragraphs.  M & M's!
Please email the assignment to me before 7:00pm this evening.  Please make sure you title your assignment in the email with your first and last name.  MLA format!  Please be a mensch and share with your friends & peers that we have a HW assignment due!  
Clearly, email me if you have any Q's and I will get back to you! 🙂 
Thank you for working on the assignment, and once done, enjoy NetFlix or watching the news summarizing the Iowa caucuses.  Your choice!