Email: -- Below is a sample email of my expectations when you write me an email:
Mr. Barry,
This is (student name) and I have a question/wanted to know/etc. Be sure your message is in complete sentences, and please use proper capitalization & grammar rules.
Thank you!
-Student name
Instagram/Twitter: @MrBarry628 -- I post a lot of social studies stuff here, and if you'd like to follow and see what I post and what we do, have fun browsing!
Instagram/Twitter: @MrBarry628 -- I post a lot of social studies stuff here, and if you'd like to follow and see what I post and what we do, have fun browsing!
Syllabus & expectations: Syllabus - Click Me!
Class Expectations/Technology Rules
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Day 1
In Class: Annual Quiz on the First Day of School! -- Hand out Journals and go over expectations for the use of a Journal in social studies class. -- How to use your Social Studies Journal below.
Introduce the National Parks Project
The National Parks: America's Best Idea -- Due August 27 (all classes)
HW: Parent/guardian signature of class expectations/technology rules due by Friday (all classes)
Day 2
In Class: The National Parks: America's Best Idea -- Due August 27 (all classes)
HW: Open the European Colonization Doc and National Parks project due Aug. 27 (all classes)
Day 3
In Class: European Colonization Doc -- Read through the Doc (handout given) and answer questions 1-5 in your Journal. We will discuss these topics on Day 4 in class.
- Exploration by Europe in the 1400s -- Columbus
- English Colonization -- Roanoke -- Jamestown
HW: National Parks project due Aug. 27 (all classes)
Day 4
In Class: Colonization and discussion
- New Amsterdam -- Plymouth/Massachusetts Bay
- The three colonial regions summaries in your journals
HW: Create a T-Chart of the three colonial regions. List one difficulty for the colonists in each region and provide bullet points how each region made a living/money. Q's due Monday -- National Parks project due Aug. 27 (all classes)