"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Friday, January 22, 2021

Week 21: Jan 25-29, 2k21

Zoooom Info: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In Class:  Go over the Era of Reform Q's -- Turn in your journals for the Age of Reform Q's.  
-Inauguration HW due
-Oregon Trail HW due
-Age of Reform HW due
-Manifest Destiny Q's due

If you have not watched this yet, please watch the Manifest Destiny Flick below! 

Frederick Douglass and the Abolitionists

Also watch the following flick about the Era of Reform -- All Classes by Day 1!

HW:  None!

Day 2
In Class:   Industry in the Mid 19th Century  -- Then...American Progress!

Day 3
In Class: 1840-1860: The Road to Civil War -- What were the contributing factors to the Civil War?
  1. How did westward expansion slowly divide the United States?
  2. How did the Mexican War and the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo further divide the nation?
  3. What were the details of Henry Clay's Compromise of 1850.  Was it a true compromise?
  4. What was the Underground Railroad?
  5. What was Uncle Tom's Cabin about and how was it received by the readers?
  6. How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act tear the nation in half and what did it do to the Missouri Compromise of 1820?
  7. What political party was created because of the Kansas-Nebraska act and what was their objective as a party?
  8. Who was John Brown and what did he do in Kansas?
  9. What happened in Congress in 1856?  What kind of message did this send to the nation about the issue of slavery?
  10. What was the verdict of the Dred Scott Decision in 1857?
  11. What phrase captured the nation in the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858? Who won the debates?
  12. What did John Brown do in 1859 in Harper's Ferry, Va?
  13. How did Abraham Lincoln win the Election of 1860?
HW:  Test on the Era of Reform, Manifest Destiny, and the Road to Civil War on Feb. 4/5 Day 3