"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Friday, January 8, 2021

Week 19: Jan. 11-15, 2k21

Zoooom Info: 920 2495 7857

Day 1
In ClassAge of Jackson -- Andrew Jackson!  -- The Andrew Jackson Paper assignment

Essay Q: Andrew Jackson’s presidency was filled with many controversial actions and decisions. Explain both the positive and negative effects of Jackson’s presidency and provide two examples each in your argument for each side.

Topics you may wish to include:
  1. Indian Removal Act & the Trail of Tears
  2. Nullification Crisis with South Carolina
  3. Kitchen Cabinet & His Cabinet & the spoils system
  4. The Bank veto/ Bank war
  5. His inauguration & party
  6. His use of the veto power
Rubric: Graded in 5 point increments
Content – 60 pts – The paper includes all historical information that explains Jackson as a president. You have also provided an argument. Your argument is supported by the content we’ve covered in class.
Mechanics – 40 pts – Grammar, punctuation, speaking in third person, double spaced etc...

How to write the paper…

→Who Andrew Jackson was before he became president.
→How he became president and when he was elected president.
→Your thesis statement should be the second to last or last sentence in the paragraph that states the two positive and two negative. The thesis explains that Jackson had both positive and negative effects on the nation.

Body Paragraphs:
→Introduce the topic(s) discussed & whether it is positive or negative
→Write about that topic in chronological order
→End the paragraph with a concluding sentence about the topic

→Restate the thesis
→Conclude the paper with a statement telling the reader whether you think Jackson was a good or bad president based on your reading.

Think about the following...
-Was Andrew Jackson a good leader as president?
-Did Jackson use his power the way a president should?
-Did Jackson do what was best for the country?
-Was he a popular president? Why/Why not?
-Did Jackson’s actions influence future presidents?

The paper will be no longer than three pages typed, double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman, with one-inch margins. I will not read any paper longer than three typed pages. The paper will be written in the third person.

You do not NEED to include any outside sources. The only sources you may use are this packet and any video or video podcast that you have watched in class.

-15 points if you use an outside source… I’ll know. Trust me.

The paper will be graded in 5 point increments.

90-100 -- Contains a clear thesis. Written in ROCKET DOWN format. The thesis informs the reader of the topic(s) that will be discussed in the paper. The paper explains in detail the answer to the question, has an appropriate sentence and paragraph length, provides an effective analysis of the events, is well organized and written, minor to no grammatical flaws.

80-90 -- Contains a good argument and explains most of the answer to the question, has a few sentences or paragraphs of inadequate length, analyzes some of the events, has acceptable organization and few grammatical flaws.

70-80 -- Contains a vague argument. The question is often left unanswered and few details are provided. Sentences and paragraph structure are weak or unclear, lacks good analysis of the events, poorly organized, serious grammatical flaws

>70 -- No argument. Weak comparison and contrast. The question is not answered, sentences and paragraph structure are very weak, no analysis of events, no organization, substantial grammatical flaws

HW: Andrew Jackson paper due Friday, Jan. 15 

Day 2
HW: Andrew Jackson paper due Friday, Jan. 15  

In Class:  Age of Jackson -- Andrew Jackson!  -- The Andrew Jackson Paper assignment -- Paper is due by the end of the period.  We are working on the paper in class.
HW: Andrew Jackson paper due Friday, Jan. 15