"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Monday, March 11, 2k19....

Hey #Davis8, y'all lucked out...I am stuck here in New York and am unable to fly home to collect those note cards so I cannot give you a hard time for not turning them in on time.  You MUST turn in your note cards to the sub.  No exceptions.  If you do not have your notecards, you must write on a blank sheet of paper: "Mr. Barry, I failed to turn in my note cards" and then sign your name.  If you do not turn in the note cards and do not write the following note, you will receive a ZERO and there are NO exceptions to this.  If you e-mailed me your note cards, I deleted the e-mail and I will not accept them.  PRINT THEM!!!!

Here is what you are doing in class today...You will need a computer...Please click on the link:  World War Won! ...Read through the document about Imperialism and World War Won and answer the Nine Red Q's in the document in your notes.  We will go over those Q's in class on Day 2 this week...If for some reason the link does not work, please go on the right side of the blog and it is labeled Imperialism and World War I....

I plan on checking these Q's to see if you did them and it is a HW grade...I will see you Tuesday!

Oh...By the way...My pole vaulters finished 2nd, 4th and 10th in the nation, so yes, it was a good weekend!