"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Friday, January 19, 2018

Friday, Jan. 19, 2k18

Hey #Davis8!  Thank you for doing such a good job with completing the assignment posted on our snow days.  If you have not completed the assignment, please do so by the end of the day.  Because of the timely manner y'all completed the assignment, I will  give everyone in the grade 7 A for the Days.  Well done! 

Clearly, I am not in today.  I am with #Davis7 at the Museum for Civil and Human Rights.  This is kind of cool timing because y'all have learned about social reforms and the museum is a social history museum.  Anyways, you have a task while I am gone...

Read through this doc and at the end of the doc is a writing prompt.  Answer the writing prompt and turn it in by the end of the class period.  This is a HW grade.

Now that you’ve read about a number of different reforms, prison, treatment of the mentally ill, alcohol, slavery, education, & women’s rights, think about one or two reforms that are either happening today or that you would like to see…

There are many topics out there that be reformed.  Education costs, wages, elections, voting rights, etc are all topics that are in the news today, though you are not limited to these topics. Choose any one thing you can think that you feel should be changed, or reformed. Explain what the problem is and how we should go about fixing it in a minimum one paragraph explanation.  Provide details of how you would fix this problem. This is due at the end of the class period...This assignment will be handwritten...Get to work! :)