Monday -- No School -- Labor Day -- History of Labor Day
Day 1
In Class: Finish our discussion about slavery -- Introduce the road to the American Revolution -- Introduce the Second Cont. Congress Assignment -- American Revolution Paper -- History Channel Cover Page -- Slavery Doc -- Introduce Road to Revolution Road to Revolution
HW: None!
Ben Franklin's Albany Plan of Union
Day 2
In Class: Road to Revolution! -- French and Indian War BrainPop -- Albany Plan of Union -- TAXES!!!!! Road to Revolution -- Second Cont. Congress and Am. Rev Paper
HW: None!
An effigy in a Liberty Tree!!!
Day 3
In Class: Sugar Act -- Stamp Act -- Response to the Taxes! -- Townshend Acts! -- Oh man I love me some Tar and Feathering! Road to Revolution -- Second Cont. Congress and Am. Rev Paper
HW: None!