The Civil War Concludes...
The war has raged on since 1861 and it will finally conclude this week with Lee's surrender to Grant and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln...
Day 1
In Class: Finish our discussion about the Gettysburg Address Graphic Novel...
HW: None...
In Class: Sherman's March and Lee's Surrender!
HW: None!
Notes: None!
Sherman's March to the Sea!
Lee's Surrender to Grant, April 1865...
Lincoln's Assassination (13:14-18:56)
Day 3
In Class: Finish ANY Civil War Stuff :)
HW: Civil War Test and Abraham Lincoln Presidential Project on March 24
Notes: President Research Paper due March 31
Day 4
In Class: President Research Paper Work Day... Take your Outlines and get crackin' on how to write the Research Paper
HW: Civil War Test and Abraham Lincoln Presidential Project on March 24
Notes: President Research Paper due March 31