It's February already gang, where did the time go? We've got a busy week ahead of us... I also made a short video podcast about "American Progress" for y'all to watch if you would like...
Day 1
In Class: Go over Oregon Trail homework -- Turn in research paper note cards -- Enter the Era of Reform: 1820-1850s -- Using the textbook, answer the Q's in this Google Doc in your notes. We will go over them today...Read pages 338-346.
HW: Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler Presidential Projects due Friday
Notes: Test on Feb. 15/16 -- Day 3 of that week -- Westward Expansion, Era of Reform, Innovation and Inventions, and Road to Civil War...
Day 2
In Class: Finish reforms discussion -- Industry and Innovation at mid-century 1800s -- Examining the inventions of the mid 19th century: Colt's revolver, Morse Code, sewing machine, and the railroads. Industry and Innovation Part II Reading
HW: Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler Presidential Projects due Friday
Notes: Test on Feb. 15/16 -- Day 3 of that week -- Westward Expansion, Era of Reform, Innovation and Inventions, and Road to Civil War...
Day 3
In Class: The United States in from 1850-1860: The Road to Civil War -- We'll examine the contributing factors that led to the Civil War -- Road to Civil War Reading
HW: Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler Presidential Projects due Friday
Notes: Test on Feb. 15/16 -- Day 3 of that week -- Westward Expansion, Era of Reform, Innovation and Inventions, and Road to Civil War...
Day 4
In Class: Presidential Projects Due: Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler -- Return the note cards and show how to do the outline for the research paper...
HW: None!
Notes: Test on Feb. 15/16 -- Day 3 of that week -- Westward Expansion, Era of Reform, Innovation and Inventions, and Road to Civil War...