"There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live..."

--John Adams

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Election Unit?....Yup! It continues!

  1. What are the issues in the 2k24 Election?
  2. How do Democrats & Republicans view these issues?
  3. What issues are the most important to you?  Why?
  4. Using the Media Bias Chart, provide a one-paragraph explanation of how you think Mr. Barry politically leans/votes. Why do you think he watches/reads these particular networks? This is gonna be awesome…
  5. Explain your reasoning & tell me if there is a particular news source you & your family watch/read & whether YOU think YOUR family is biased!There will be no judgment, right, or wrong answers!
  6. What is the Electoral College?
  7. Why did the Founding Fathers believe this process was a good idea?
  8. How has this process been both successful & failed at times?
  9. Do you think we should keep this election process? Why/why not