Kansas-Nebraska Act flick...
Lincoln-Douglas Senate Debates
John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry, VA 1859
- Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
- Birth of Republican party
- "Bleeding Kansas"
- Charles Sumner's beating in Congress
- Dred Scott v. Sandford Supreme Court case
- Lincoln-Douglas Illinois Senate debates
- John Brown...Back again!
- Election of 1860...Secession...
John Greene's Crash Course 1850-1860
Civil War Q's for HW due Day 3
- Why was the Civil War such a significant event in American history despite only lasting four years?
- What do you think were the advantages and disadvantages of the Union and the Confederacy going into the war? How might these factors have influenced the outcome? What do you think was the most important advantage for the Union and the Confederacy?
- Why do you think the Border States (Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri) were so important during the Civil War?
- In what ways did families during the Civil War experience conflict? Why were some families torn apart by the war?
- What does the story of Fort Sumter tell us about the beginning of the Civil War? Why was this event such a significant turning point?